Book Review: The Women I Think About at Night

The Women I Think About at Night: Traveling the Paths of my HeroesBy Mia Kankimäki, translated from the Finnish by Douglas RobinsonMemoir/History416 pagesPublished November 10, 2020, by Simon & Schuster Forty-something Mia Kankimäki doesn't have children or a fulfilling job. But she does have a collection of what she calls her 'Night Women', women from … Continue reading Book Review: The Women I Think About at Night

Book Review: The Twenty-Ninth Day

The Twenty-Ninth Day: Surviving a Grizzly Attack in the Canadian Tundra By Alex Messenger Memoir 272 pages Expected publication date: November 12, 2019, by Blackstone Publishing At seventeen, Alex Messenger was already an accomplished wilderness traveler. He had hiked and canoed through forests and mountains across the northern United States and into Canada, and so … Continue reading Book Review: The Twenty-Ninth Day

Book Review: Sorry I’m Late, I Didn’t Want to Come

Sorry I'm Late, I Didn't Want to Come: An Introvert's Year of Living Dangerously by Jessica Pan 368 pages Memoir Expected publication date: May 28, 2019, by Andrews McMeel Publishing   Though she lived in London, a city filled with people and things to do, journalist, American ex-pat, and "shintrovert" Jessica Pan found herself sitting … Continue reading Book Review: Sorry I’m Late, I Didn’t Want to Come

Book Review: Reading Through the Night

Reading Through the Night by Jane Tompkins Memoir 248 pages University of Virginia Press Jane Tompkins was a respected professor of literature and award-winning author until she developed a debilitating chronic illness that sapped her energy, leaving her unable to travel, work, or even-- on her bad days-- write. With little choice but to stay … Continue reading Book Review: Reading Through the Night

Review: Bringing up Bebe

Bringing Up Bébé by Pamela Druckerman 304 pages Nonfiction/Memoir Published 20112 From Goodreads: The secret behind France's astonishingly well-behaved children. When American journalist Pamela Druckerman has a baby in Paris, she doesn't aspire to become a "French parent." French parenting isn't a known thing, like French fashion or French cheese. Even French parents themselves insist … Continue reading Review: Bringing up Bebe